Nowadays, a lot of people on Facebook are quite into the trend of playing Restaurant City, created by Playfish; the same creator of the addictive game, Pet Society.
My restaurant may not be the best on out there (definitely not!), but I’m quite sure that I’m going up quickly. Today, I’m going to share some knowledge which I discovered as I play the game.
To get ingredients, simply log in to your Facebook account and go to Restaurant City application - a daily freebie will be given to you.
Also, visit your friends’ restaurant! There is this first-time-visit bonus ingredient for you to get from all your friends whom have also installed Restaurant City!
In addition to the above two ways, there is one more way - by answering the Food Quiz daily and getting the answers correct, it gives you a free ingredient too!
A very good tips of getting your Gourment Points (GPs) to raise quickly and level up, is to keep your employees happy!
Happy Employees equals Efficient Workers!
For me, I always make sure that my employees’ happiness is above 80% - the moment it dropped below 80%, I give them Water to drink; it heals 25% Happiness.
Many people say, why waste the money? Let it drop until at least 75% then drink water, or put them to rest, save money!
However, in my humble opinion, this kind of money seriously cannot be stingy one… it actually affects alot (from what I observed). If you are stingy on saving this money, your restaurant’s popularity will never exceed 40 points.
One very important thing to take note is to actually make a maze in your restaurant. No! Not the funny funny kind of maze you’re currently thinking of! :p
Simply put some obstacles near the entrance, by getting your customers to walk a further distance before getting to sit down, gives more time for your poor little waiter to clear the table and cleaners to wipe it clean This aids in keeping the customer happy too, since the programmer doesn’t give the customer a “irritated” meter which ensures that the customer reaches the table as soon as possible?
Last but not least, my final tips to give you guys is that to FOCUS ON ONE RECIPE! It helps a lot. The higher the level of a dish, the more Popularity boost it gives your restaurant per Thumbs-up by your customer.
Meal level to thumbs up conversion
Level 1 = +1.0
Level 2 = +1.2
Level 3 = +1.4
Level 4 = +1.6
Level 5 = +1.8
Level 6 = +2.0
Level 7 = +2.2
Level 8 = +2.4
Level 9 = +2.6
Level10 = +2.8
Toilets are for some customers whom need them after having their meal, and if you don’t provide them with it, your restaurant’s popularity won’t raise (might drop instead). You need a cleaner to keep your toilet clean - they gets dirty after used by 4 customers
Retro Acade
They are something which could keep your customers entertained while waiting for seats to be available. You see, when all your tables and chairs are occupied, customers whom just came in, might go to the retro acade and play for awhile, then if any existing customers finish their meal and left, these customers whom are playing acade, would go and have the seat.
However, customers whom come in to play acade doesn’t mean they 100% will go and have meal though
Benefits for getting 50.0 Popularity
Getting your popularity to 50.0 gives you a higher rate of customers coming into your restaurant.
E.g. Restaurant with 20.0 popularity has a rate of 10 customers coming in per minute, then restaurant with 40.0 popularity will has a rate of 20 customers coming in per minute!
higher customers rate = more thumbs/money/gourment points
Benefit for Level-ing up variety of dishes
In fact, you just need a level 10 dish from each category - Appetizer, Main, Dessert. Getting a dish to a high level allows you to get more thumbs up points:
As mentioned in my guide, a level 10 dish gets +2.8 points per thumbs up per customer compared to +1.0 points gotten by a level 1 dish.
The only permenent benefit of level-ing a dish is to gain more points - 3 is sufficient. However, you can try to get 10 dishes (should be 10 dishes if I didn’t remember wrongly ;)) to level 10 to unlock the gold trophy under the achievements section.
That’s all I could share with you guys for now! Stay tune for more tips!